  • 98C Preddys Rd, Bexley North NSW 2207
  • 5:30AM to 9:00PM


Due to essential works required for Angelo Anestis Aquatic Centre, the ground floor change rooms and indoor 25m pool hall mechanical ventilation system will be offline from Tuesday 14th November 2023 through to Friday 24th November 2023. Temporary measures will be put into place during this period including portable units in the change rooms and a slight increase in 25m pool temperature. In order to control air quality and humidity, the indoor 25m pool hall air temperature may be cooler than usual, dependant on weather. No other areas are expected to be affected. Thank you for your understanding.

Angelo Anestis Aquatic Centre’s “Learn to swim” program welcomes our 1000th Student!

We are thrilled to announce that at our Swim School, we have just achieved a milestone with the enrollment of the 1000th student in our ‘Learn to Swim’ program. Please join us in congratulating all 1000 students & their parents for being a part of our community and embracing this beautiful sport. We look forward to our little ones dominating the pool on the World stage in the future!

Our ‘Learn to Swim’ program 

Swimming is a life skill that every child should know. Our ‘Learn to Swim‘ program is not only about learning strokes and techniques; it’s about providing confidence, safety, and a love for the water. Our modern and personalised ‘Learn to Swim’ program has been designed specifically for the Bayside community. It gives a child the ability to handle themselves in the water and helps them psychologically to overcome phobias and improve self-esteem and development. It provides:

Water Safety: We instil fundamental water safety skills from day one. Children learn how to manage themselves in the water, acknowledge potential dangers, and respond appropriately, reducing the risk of accidents.

Confidence Building: Children will learn to overcome fears in the water can raise a child’s self-esteem and confidence.  

Physical Fitness: Swimming is an ideal form of exercise that boosts physical fitness. It strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances flexibility — all while having fun!

Stress Relief: Swimming has a soothing effect, and our program promotes relaxation and mindfulness for children.

Lifelong Skill: Swimming is a skill that stays with a child for life. The ability to swim is an invaluable asset.

Learn to Swim

At Angelo Anestis Aquatic Centre, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for your child to flourish. Our instructors ensure that each child progresses at their own pace while receiving personalized attention. 

And now, as we celebrate the achievement of our 1000th student, we’re even more determined to make a difference in the lives of young swimmers. Will your child be the next success story at Angelo Anestis Aquatic Centre? Visit us at the centre to learn more about our “Learn to Swim” program or you can simply give us a call to secure your child’s spot at 02 9150 5288

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