  • 98C Preddys Rd, Bexley North NSW 2207
  • 6:00AM to 8:00PM


Due to essential works required for Angelo Anestis Aquatic Centre, the ground floor change rooms and indoor 25m pool hall mechanical ventilation system will be offline from Tuesday 14th November 2023 through to Friday 24th November 2023. Temporary measures will be put into place during this period including portable units in the change rooms and a slight increase in 25m pool temperature. In order to control air quality and humidity, the indoor 25m pool hall air temperature may be cooler than usual, dependant on weather. No other areas are expected to be affected. Thank you for your understanding.
morning tea

AAAC’s Biggest Morning Tea: A Success for Cancer Research

AAAC hosted its Biggest Morning Tea, raising over $500 for cancer research, prevention, and support services. The event was a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together, enjoy delicious treats, and support a worthy cause. Our team worked tirelessly to create a welcoming atmosphere, complete with homemade cakes, savory snacks, and plenty of tea.

AAAC’s Biggest Morning Tea: A Success for Cancer Research Read More »

detox water

Detox Water: Hype or Healthy Hydration? 

There’s been a lot of talk about the so-called health advantages of “detox water.” It’s true that staying hydrated is crucial for good health. That’s why it’s commonly suggested that you consume eight glasses of water daily. However, some individuals believe that adding additional ingredients into water enhances its health properties. This concoction, known as

Detox Water: Hype or Healthy Hydration?  Read More »

Congratulations to our Learn to Swim Students who have progressed to the next level

Did you know that our instructors are continually developing student’s skills and assessing when a student may be ready for progression? When ready we will formally assess students skills against the skill criteria before progressing to the next class level. Once a student has completed a level they will receive a certificate of completion and

Congratulations to our Learn to Swim Students who have progressed to the next level Read More »

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